Page name: The Awesomeness of Wolvie & BigT66 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-08-09 22:54:45
Last author: wolvie
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 3
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this is the greatest and best wiki in the world....made for the greatest and bestest peeple in the world...who are both in love with the greatness that is SPARTAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!


If you think we are the best...sign ur name below
1.[InLoveDontBothe r]-obviously im voting for myself...and for Wolvie
2.[wolvie]-well duh of course im going to vote for me oh yeah and BigT66 two

News updates on the coolest peoples ever:
Wolvie is listening to So What and laughing her head off yay for extremly vulgar songs of doom
BigT66 is hungry and we have no food...tis tragic :(
Wolvie is also hungry and also out of food...tis even more tragic
BigT66 just burped his name..which made him hungrier..tis uber tragic
Wolvie just got a txt from rogurt but is too lazy to get her phone out to check it...very tragic
BigT66 speculates that Wolvie should stop being so lazy and get her phone out cuz the text could be that rogurt is in trouble
Wolvie thinks that BigT66 should shut up for the txt was just asking how her cat was gosh
BigT66 apologizes to Wolvie and says that he was just worried about rogurts well being cuz he's caring
Wolvie accepts BigT66's apology and wants him to know that its all good and that rogurt shall never come under harm so long as Wolvie is around
BigT66 wonders wut if Wolvie isnt around...who will protect rogurt then?
Wolvie wants BigT66 to know that if Wolvie isn't around, Rogurt shall be protected by her awesome mini snauzer dogs Cookie & Toby
BigT66 thinks that Rogurt is extremely well protected and that nobody will mess with her cuz she lives in SPARTAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
Wolvie agrees with BigT66 and would like to add that the curtains are very pretty here in SPARTAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
BigT66 agrees with the curtain color but thinks that the walls should be a more vibrant color...perhaps blood red
Wolvie completly agrees and suggests that we get to work painting
BigT66 hates painting so he invites persians in and slits their throats and paints the walls with their blood
Wolvie applauds BigT66's thinking and helps with the slaying of stupid persians
BigT66 is grateful for Wolvies help becuz slashing throats is harder than it looks
Wolvie is glad to be able to help BigT66 on the epic quest of painting the walls with persians blood
BigT66 is glad to be killing with Wolvie
Wolvie predicts that this wiki shall take over the world
BigT66 agrees and thinks that this wiki will take over the world long before Pinky and the Brain can
Wolvie definatly agrees and would like to add that Ronnie is a fairly good song
BigT66 agrees and also wants to add that Inside the Fire is a good song as well
Wolvie agrees and would like to add that she is tired and just yawned which made her even more tired...twas tragic
BigT66 urges Wolvie to hold on and stay awake..for without her he has nobody
Wolvie would like BigT66 to know that she just opened up a giant dr pepper which shall help keep her awake
BigT66 envies Wolvie becuz he loves dr pepper
Wolvie envies BigT66 for enviening Wolvie
BigT66 envies Wolvie for enviening BigT66 for enviening Wolvie

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2008-09-16 [wolvie]: *turns to wolf and hides in a garbage can*

2008-09-16 [Zenolia Rose]: why u so jumpy? Its only me. Jo Jo.

2008-09-16 [wolvie]: *pokes my head out of the garbage can and blushes* oh its Jo Jo, I thought you were the wolvie eating monster

2008-09-16 [Zenolia Rose]: *Laughs* Nope. Im Jo Jo. Always will be.

2008-09-16 [wolvie]: *looks confused* you mean there's a difference? *smiles so you know i ish joking*

2008-09-16 [Zenolia Rose]: *Frowns but then grins* Funny.

2008-09-16 [wolvie]: Uh oh!!!!! *hides deeper in the garbage can, giggling*

2008-09-16 [Zenolia Rose]: *Smiles and walks to the garbage can. I shake it.*

2008-09-16 [wolvie]: *gets covered in horribly stink garbage and jumps out of the top, shaking my fur off and getting garbage everywhere*

2008-09-16 [Zenolia Rose]: *Smiles, laughing. Getting garbage all over me.*

2008-09-16 [wolvie]: *looks at Jo Jo* uh sorry *runs away quickly*

2008-09-16 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *mumbles cuz the duct tape covers my mouth*

2008-09-16 [Zenolia Rose]: *Smiles and shakes it all off. Then runs after Jamie* Get back here mutt!

2008-09-16 [wolvie]: *hides behind Tony*

2008-09-16 [Zenolia Rose]: *Runs behinde Tony and taggs you* Your it. *Runs away*

2008-09-16 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *keeps mumbling*

2008-09-16 [wolvie]: *jumps on tony and tears the ductape off* Your it now! *runs away two*

2008-09-16 [Zenolia Rose]: *smiles*

2008-09-16 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *doesnt participate*

2008-09-16 [Zenolia Rose]: *Stops* Whats ur problem tony?

2008-09-16 [wolvie]: *stops running and looks back at tony confused*

2008-09-16 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *shakes my head*

2008-09-16 [Zenolia Rose]: I asked whats your problem!

2008-09-16 [wolvie]: *walks over to Jo Jo and sits by her*

2008-09-16 [Zenolia Rose]: Never mind. *Walks off, pissed.*

2008-09-16 [wolvie]: *looks at Jo Jo and follows her*

2008-09-16 [Zenolia Rose]: *dosnt notice Jamie and keeps walking off*

2008-09-16 [wolvie]: *keeps following Jo Jo and whines a little*

2008-09-16 [Zenolia Rose]: *Glances back then looks forward again, still walking away* Can I be by myself for a few mins? Maybe half and hour?

2008-09-16 [wolvie]: *sits down and sighs then lays down watching you walk away*

2008-09-16 [Zenolia Rose]: Thank you. *I mutter and keeps walking off. Trying to controll my anger*

2008-09-16 [wolvie]: *I nod a little and keep watching you walk away*

2008-09-16 [Zenolia Rose]: *I break into a run. Then go faster.*

2008-09-16 [wolvie]: *I lay my head on my paws and hope that your alright*

2008-09-17 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *mumbles the secret*

2008-09-17 [Zenolia Rose]: *When I know im far enough, I collapse. I break out crying for no reason.*

2008-09-17 [wolvie]: *I stay laying down and whine softly*

2008-09-17 [Zenolia Rose]: *Sits up and stops crying.....I get up. then walk into the woods. Thinking about not comeing back*

2008-09-17 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *goes home...opens my photo album to all the pics of jojo*

2008-09-17 [Zenolia Rose]: *sighs again. Desiced to just go away. never comeing back*

2008-09-17 [wolvie]: *whines softly and keeps laying down, waiting patiently for Jo Jo to return*

2008-09-17 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *a tear falls...whispers* i wish i proposed first

2008-09-17 [Zenolia Rose]: *I reach a cave. I walk in it. Its empty.* I shall stay here till morn. Then Im going.

2008-09-17 [wolvie]: *I sigh and look around then figure out that she's not coming back, I get up sadly and start walking away*

2008-09-17 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *reaches under my bed for my bottle of sleeping pills*

2008-09-17 [Zenolia Rose]: *When I fall asleep, I dream of us; me, tony, and Jamie, together still. And relizes that everything broke apart. Becasue of me. All becasue of me*

2008-09-17 [wolvie]: *I walk to the edge of a cliff then sigh and lay at the edge*

2008-09-17 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *opens the bottle and thinks its all my fault...chews the sleeping pills*

2008-09-17 [Zenolia Rose]: *I sigh and wake back up. I get up from the ground where I fell aslepp at and walks out of the cave. I run in the opposite direction of the cabin*

2008-09-17 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *laying on my bed while the pills take effect*

2008-09-17 [wolvie]: *I look down then shrug and get up, I howl at the moon sadly one last time then jump off the edge*

2008-09-17 [Zenolia Rose]: *Without noticeing, I run off the same side of the cliff Jamie did. I fall. Then, when I relize it, I scream*

2008-09-17 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *becomes drowzy*

2008-09-17 [wolvie]: *I hear Jo Jo and look up and see her I smile a little then hit the bottom*

2008-09-17 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *falls into eternal slumber*

2008-09-17 [Zenolia Rose]: *I shut myself up and close my eyes right b4 I hit the bottom.*

2008-09-17 [wolvie]: *I just lay there and wait for death to come*

2008-09-17 [Zenolia Rose]: *When I hit the bottom, I hear lots of bones shaddering.*

2008-09-17 [wolvie]: *I close my eyes and take one last breath*

2008-09-17 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *dies*

2008-09-27 [Zenolia Rose]: *I do the same.*

2008-09-27 [wolvie]: *dies*

2008-09-27 [Zenolia Rose]: *Gasps very slowly and then dies.*

2008-09-27 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *my heart starts beating*

2008-09-27 [wolvie]: *just lays there not moving nor breathing*

2008-09-27 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *gets up...sees jamie...cries*

2008-09-27 [wolvie]: *doesnt respond to tony*

2008-09-27 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *brings jamie back to life*

2008-09-27 [wolvie]: *slowly starts breathing again*

2008-09-27 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *keeps crying*

2008-09-28 [Zenolia Rose]: *I lay on the ground. Not breathing. Not moving. Eyes still open. But black. My soul rises from my body and leaves.*

2008-09-28 [wolvie]: *gets up and see's Jo Jo, runs to her and tries to bring her back*

2008-09-28 [Zenolia Rose]: *Nothing happens*

2008-09-28 [wolvie]: *stats crying and keeps trying*

2008-09-28 [Zenolia Rose]: *Nothing happens.I stay dead*

2008-09-28 [wolvie]: *sobs and shakes you gently*

2008-09-28 [Zenolia Rose]: *I stay dead.*

2008-09-28 [wolvie]: *pushes out a claw and cuts my arm up then opens your mouth and lets the blood go into your mouth, sobbing harshly*

2008-09-28 [Zenolia Rose]: *Still, nothing happens*

2008-09-28 [wolvie]: *sobs harder and keeps trying*

2008-09-28 [Zenolia Rose]: *My body turns into dust. tehn the air picks it up and takes it away*

2008-09-28 [wolvie]: noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! *tries to catch the dust then falls and just lays there sobbing*

2008-09-28 [Zenolia Rose]: *My spirit lays neck to you. Laying on my back, arms stuck behind my neck.* Im sorry. I had to go. It was finally time for me to go. Thank you. For loving me. *I nod, smiling.* Im finally peaceful. *I smile more, kiss ur cheek, then disapear.*

2008-09-28 [wolvie]: *I keep sobbing and laying there*

2008-09-28 [Zenolia Rose]: *New born (wolf) pup:* I ish a pup! *I run around. Then bump into you. I growl, wagging my tail* (That sounds happy and loveable. :))

2008-09-28 [wolvie]: *I look at you and start wiping my tears away* Jo Jo?

2008-09-28 [Zenolia Rose]: *I bark happily and excitedly. I run aound in circles.*

2008-09-28 [wolvie]: *i turn to my wolf form and smile at you*

2008-09-28 [Zenolia Rose]: *Trys to communicate.* Jay Jay?

2008-09-28 [wolvie]: *smiles and nuzzles you* thats right rabbit

2008-09-28 [Zenolia Rose]: Rabbit? I ish wolf. *I huff and turn around, marching off into the woods slowly wit my head stuck up high. Then giggle to let you know Im playing*

2008-09-28 [wolvie]: *laughs and follows you*

2008-09-28 [Zenolia Rose]: *Sees your following me. Then starts to run*

2008-09-28 [wolvie]: *growls playfully and runs after you*

2008-09-28 [Zenolia Rose]: *I run faster.*

2008-09-28 [wolvie]: *i stop growling playfully and run even faster*

2008-09-28 [Zenolia Rose]: *Stops when I get to my mom. She growls at the sight of you. Then attacks you for being too close to me. (Still a pup)*

2008-09-28 [wolvie]: uh oh *tries to get away from your mom and doesnt attack her back or anything*

2008-09-28 [Zenolia Rose]: *I yell at her as best as I can.* mom! Its Jamie! My...well....girlfriend. From my human life!

2008-09-28 [wolvie]: *I keep trying to get away*

2008-09-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *watches*

2008-09-29 [Zenolia Rose]: *My mom looks back at me. She growls.* She cant be your girlfriend. Shes human.

2008-09-30 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *walks into the argument* and wut about me?

2008-09-30 [Zenolia Rose]: Tony! *I gasp and run to him. I nuzzle into him. My mom growls and grabs me by the neck and takes me far away. Then turns and growls at you both.* Go away from my baby. Shes not aloud to be near Humans.

2008-09-30 [wolvie]: *looks sad then nods and leaves*

2008-09-30 [Zenolia Rose]: *I get in front of my mom. The growl at her.* If they leave...*I gulp* I leave. And if they leave and I go...Im not comeing back. *I glare at my mom. She nodded* Leave then *She said*

2008-09-30 [wolvie]: *I keep walking away sadly*

2008-09-30 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *keeps glaring at ur mom*

2008-09-30 [Zenolia Rose]: Fine *I sigh and walk up towards Jamie* Come on Tony!

2008-09-30 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *turns around and follows u*

2008-09-30 [Zenolia Rose]: *Looks down while I walk*

2008-09-30 [InLoveDontBothe r]: wuts wrong jojo?

2008-09-30 [wolvie]: *keeps walking, looking at the ground sadly*

2008-09-30 [Zenolia Rose]: *Looks back at my mom* I dont really want to just leave her/

2008-09-30 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *looks back* then u wont have to...ill leave...cuz its me she hates

2008-09-30 [Zenolia Rose]: She dont hate you. She...well, shes just looking after me. I think. *Looks back at Jamie*

2008-09-30 [InLoveDontBothe r]: i know...but if she doesnt want u hanging around with me..then i dont see much choice

2008-09-30 [wolvie]: *nods at jo jo* tony's right we can go so you can be with her

2008-09-30 [Zenolia Rose]: But...I want to be with yall.

2008-09-30 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *smiles* u want to be with just extra baggage

2008-09-30 [wolvie]: *shakes my head* you should stay with your mom

2008-09-30 [Zenolia Rose]: *I lay down, whining.* I dont know what to do.

2008-09-30 [wolvie]: *I nuzzle you gently*

2008-09-30 [Zenolia Rose]: *I whine again*

2008-09-30 [wolvie]: *I look at you* jo jo i want you to be happy

2008-09-30 [Zenolia Rose]: *Looks up at Jamie.*

2008-09-30 [wolvie]: *nuzzles jo jo*

2008-09-30 [Zenolia Rose]: *Nuzzles back* I'll go talk to my mom/ I want you two to go tho. If I dont come back in an hour, Im not comeing at all. But...hopefully Ill see you two later. k?

2008-09-30 [wolvie]: *nods* alright we wont be to far away

2008-10-01 [Zenolia Rose]: Alright. *Walks back to mom*

2008-10-01 [wolvie]: *watches jo jo then sighs and walks to a river to get a little water*

2008-10-01 [Zenolia Rose]: *While im talking to mom about you two, My dad comes home from hunting. He understands what Im saying after I explain it to him.* you can leave if you want. Just meens your on your own from now on. *He smiles*

2008-10-01 [wolvie]: *lays by the river and drinks some of the water then sighs looking at the moon and wondering if jo jo will come back*

2008-10-01 [Zenolia Rose]: *I nod and ask mom if it was ok with her if I go with them. She nods. I wag my tail and kiss her cheek. As I do for my dad. Then run towards Jamie and Tony*

2008-10-01 [wolvie]: *ends up falling asleep by the river*

2008-10-01 [Zenolia Rose]: *I get to Jamie. Then bark happily and pounce on her*

2008-10-01 [wolvie]: *wakes up and see's jo jo, smiles hugely*

2008-10-01 [Zenolia Rose]: Im back!

2008-10-01 [wolvie]: *wags my tail and licks jo jo*

2008-10-01 [Zenolia Rose]: *Laughs*

2008-10-01 [wolvie]: *nuzzles you* i love you

2008-10-01 [Zenolia Rose]: *Nuzzles back* I love u too

2008-10-01 [wolvie]: *Nuzzles more*

2008-10-01 [Zenolia Rose]: *Keeps nuzzling*

2008-10-02 [wolvie]: *Smiles and licks our face*

2008-10-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *watches* havin fun?

2008-10-03 [wolvie]: *Looks at tony and smiles*

2008-10-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: that mean yes?

2008-10-03 [wolvie]: possibly *wags tail*

2008-10-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: ok

2008-10-03 [Zenolia Rose]: *Hugs Tony*

2008-10-03 [wolvie]: *smiles*

2008-10-03 [Zenolia Rose]: I missed you !

2008-10-03 [wolvie]: *wags tail*

2008-10-03 [Zenolia Rose]: *Wags mine too*

2008-10-03 [wolvie]: *wags mine more*

2008-10-03 [Zenolia Rose]: *Smiles*

2008-10-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *leaves u two alone*

2008-10-03 [wolvie]: *nuzzles jo jo*

2008-10-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *walks away*

2008-10-03 [Zenolia Rose]: Tony. where u going? *Nuzzles back*

2008-10-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *shrugs* dunno

2008-10-04 [Zenolia Rose]: Dont go.

2008-10-04 [wolvie]: *looks at tony* you dont have to go

2008-10-04 [Zenolia Rose]: *Nods*

2008-10-04 [InLoveDontBothe r]: u too should be just in the way

2008-10-05 [wolvie]: no your not tony

2008-10-05 [InLoveDontBothe r]: yes i am

2008-10-07 [Zenolia Rose]: No your not. We need you Tony.

2008-10-07 [wolvie]: yeah we do

2008-10-08 [InLoveDontBothe r]: y would u need me? u have each other

2008-10-08 [wolvie]: we love you tony

2008-10-08 [Zenolia Rose]: We DO love u Tony. u cant just leave us.

2008-10-08 [wolvie]: *nods* yeah we do

2008-10-08 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *sighs* ok...u win

2008-10-08 [wolvie]: good *wags tail*

2008-10-09 [Zenolia Rose]: *Smiles* Great. So ur not leaving?

2008-10-14 [InLoveDontBothe r]: *shakes my head* guess not

2008-10-14 [Zenolia Rose]: *Hugs Tony* Ur the best

2008-10-15 [wolvie]: *wags tail more*

2008-10-15 [Zenolia Rose]: *Smiles and hugs Jamie* I love u

2008-10-15 [wolvie]: *looks happy* love you two

2008-10-15 [Zenolia Rose]: Are you ok?

2008-10-15 [wolvie]: *nods* yeah

2008-10-15 [Zenolia Rose]: Ok.

2008-10-15 [wolvie]: *wags tail*

2008-10-15 [Zenolia Rose]: Wronge one

2008-10-15 [wolvie]: *looks confused and whines softly*

2008-10-15 [Zenolia Rose]: Dont worry, just another stupid blonde moment.

2008-10-15 [wolvie]: oh ok *smiles and keeps wagging tail*

2008-10-15 [Zenolia Rose]: Hehe

2008-10-15 [wolvie]: *barks happily*

2008-10-16 [Zenolia Rose]: *Hugs u*

2008-10-16 [wolvie]: *nuzzles you and licks you*

2008-10-16 [Zenolia Rose]: *smiles* I love u

2008-10-16 [wolvie]: *smiles back* i love you two

2008-10-18 [Zenolia Rose]: *smiles mroe*

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: *nuzzles you*

2008-10-18 [Zenolia Rose]: *Nuzzles back*

2008-11-02 [InLoveDontBothe r]: nice knowin yall

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